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Video 1

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Video 2

Ambulance speeds from the Infirmary to the accident scene. Nurses tend the injured who are lifted onto stretchers and taken off to the Infirmary, followed by the RAC man on his motorcycle. (clip)

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Reference number: 0826

Date: 1935

Director: [filmed by Konomy Pictures]

Sound: silent

Original format: 35mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 10 mins

Description: The services of Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary after a road accident.

Film made to raise funds for Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary. Note on can of 35mm nitrate pos. acquired March 1987 - "Mr. Operator, will you kindly run this film slowly all through except one scene at beginning of reel after subtitle At Any Time In Any Place, where cyclist crashes into car. Speed up on the first shot of car approaching to give a realistic effect of the crash. Thank you. Thomas Hynes."

Credits: [cam. Tommy Hynes, projectionist and Jack Johnston, assistant projectionist, both at Regal Cinema, Dumfries
sc. J.W. McDougal]

Shotlist: No credits. At any time - in any place (.20); Man riding a bike is knocked down by car on country road. Car subsequently topples over an embankment and passers-by come to the aid of the injured. A call is put through to the hospital for an ambulance. An RAC patrolman arrives on a motorbike and provides first aid (3.02); How the call is answered (3.06); Ambulance leaves the hospital and speeds to the scene of the accident. The injured are treated by the nurses before being carried to the ambulance and taken to hospital (4.57); The x-ray tells of a broken head (5.02); Shot of an x-ray machine (5.04); His only chance (5.08); Scenes in the operating theatre (5.52); Doing well (5.56); Let me show you round before you go (6.02); Hello Daddy! You here too! (6.07); Dinner time (6.11); The patient is shown around the hospital kitchens (6.33); Every day is wash day (6.37); A minor casualty arrives (6.42); Patient arrives on foot at the out-patients department and is taken inside (6.59); A grateful goodbye (7.04); Please help! (7.11); Exterior of the hospital (7.21); A call is answered at the hospital switchboard (7.30); The patient has his head x-rayed (8.06); Patient in ward recovering (8.33); Patient receives heat treatment from ultra violet light (8.42); The timer is switched on (8.48); Patient receives treatment for arm injury (9.01); Shots in the children's ward where the patient meets his daughter (9.17); Shots in the hospital laundry (9.36)